The Eleventh Day of Christmas

Can you believe it? It’s the second Sunday after Christmas, the eleventh day of Christmas, and it’s all nearly over. Most of our family and friends have well and truly moved on from the festive season, but the Christmas Project still has a couple of days of celebrating up its sleeve.

Today’s resources stretch us backwards and forwards in time. There is an ancient sermon from a very very old pope. There is an even more ancient account of God’s work in creation from the book of Proverbs. There is a new poem, pointing forward from Christmas to the days of Jesus as a young boy. There is a dated but wonderful album of children’s Christmas music from the 1990s – the soundtrack of all of my childhood Christmases (and most of my grown-up Christmases too!). And, finally, George Herbert’s famous Christmas poem pulling us through time, inviting us to take our place in the Christmas scene.

 Prayer Second Sunday After  Sermon Leo the Great Music Peter Combe Poetry Caitlin Munday